Senin, 27 September 2010

Five puppies beaten to death 22 December 2008, Halkidiki

On Tuesday 23rd December 2008, I received the following email from someone who had been alerted to an appalling act of animal abuse in Thessaloniki.

Hi Vesna,

It's Christmas in two days but that didn't stop the person who did this. No words can describe how I'm feeling after seeing this.

Yesterday (Monday 22 Dec.), a man phoned me to say he had seen 5 puppies running near a stream on Sunday night while walking his dog.

I was in Thessaloniki all day so I asked him if he would go and put some food and water for them. I would then go on Tuesday to see how I could help. After two hours the man phoned me;

I could tell by his voice how upset he was. Some bastard had tied the puppies in a rubbish bag and beaten them to death.......

One puppy had managed to get out of the bag before it died. The area is farming land so the puppies were not disturbing anyone.

There is one photo with a small church in the background to prove to people that this happened in Greece Halkidiki. Not that the sight of the church helped them.

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